Roadmap and Goals
I'd like to mark that previous as the start of something new, and the start of something in general. To keep you guys more updated on my life and the site in general, I want to update this blog frequently, enough to hopefully keep people interested and curious about what it to come, and who else what I can put on here?
Now, in terms of context, I love writing and thinking about stories and ideas, and reading and watching things that tell an effective, enjoyable, and fun story. With the format of modern ideas taking more production to produce something amazing to keep up with people's demands and what is popular, not only do things take a lot more work to make, but people are less appreciative of such things. With over-saturation of anything, people can tend to put things off and move on to something else, as they have that option.
What I want to do is to be able to cut down that production while maintaining an effective format to tell and depict stories on the computer, or digital medium, without costing a ton of time. In terms of overall production to release speed, there is a need to keep the audience's interest without isolating too many readers from the medium. The order would go like this:
Novel [ pure text ]
Light Novel [ very few pictures and text ]
Picture Book [ more pictures than text ]
Manga / Comic [ Formatted pictures and dialogue ]
Visual Novel [ Colored stills, voice ]
Filmed take [Live Action - Acting]
Animation [Frame by frame or 3D, voice, Music ]
Movie [ Production, Editing, Composition, Location, Quality, Sound, Music ]
Game [ Programming, dialogue, branches, Writing, art, animation, Music, voice]
From top to bottom, would be the amount of work required to fully tell the story from least to greatest. But what form is the most enjoyable by all people, that requires the least amount of work (proportionally) ?
From what I have asked people, (not many) I have received Manga as the answer to be the epitome of best form to depict a story, that isn't as work intensive as an animation or other things, or as intimidating as a pure text novel. It clearly depicts what I want to show in each scene, so everything I want to tell (or don't want to tell) can be not only visually shown, but followed by the reader at their own pace. However, it still isn't that efficient, as each page on a full blown manga still takes a lot of effort, and requires assistants to keep up constantly even as a full time job. So what I want to achieve is find a format that can house the same feeling of a manga or greater, in a way that uses the format of a web browser. I'm not the first person to try this, but I'll definitely try a whole bunch of different formats and ways that I can blend the story and format together.
Story comes first before everything else, all other elements are just supporting roles in crafting the execution and presentation.
Either way, this is the mindset I have with my new work.