The World of Happiness
What is happiness?
I want to give my stance on this because largely, there are so many problems with this world the thought of happiness is just lost through the ideal of success and what society has defined success as for us.
So what happened to just wanting to be able to do something and do it?
Big aspirations, crushed.
Progress, prevented.
Peace, ruined.
Happiness, destroyed.
Truth, riddled with lies.
What prevents all of these is just the hubris of society, where you either follow the rules, and live the most boring standard, commercialized life that your country gives out to you, or die trying to stand out. Regardless of what you desire to be, whatever that is, is part of the big cog of society, even if it is something new. Its hard for me to believe that peace actually exists in this world, as while we are different, there are fundamental things that people don't seem to change as a result of the beliefs upheld in the country. Such as work, forming sides, seeing things through and being open, and so on, none of these things actually do anything good. And the reason why these things exist is a result of people wanting to gain success.
I determine success different from happiness for two reasons. It always relies on an outside factor that easily influences your being, and as a result, you always have to change and adapt in order to further succeed. It's just work in the end, and the fulfilled desires tend to stray away from the original thing. And if that thing is to live in comfort, or to live peacefully, this path couldn't be further away from happiness. Not saying success is bad, but in this society, the fact that it becomes an object of envy, desire, and alteration to your character makes it an unfortunate circumstance of society.
Ultimately, conflict arises from many sides if you see success. Unless you give it up, the cost of maintaining it would require even more work than before.
Just knowing that everything is fueled by another's desires as inspiration or aspiration really gives off a state of apathy. Industries are also ruined in order for success, and everything stagnates. Its why industries just tend to repeat things, because it results in better success. Why should they bother being interesting and unusual? Take the gaming industry for example, the vocal majority flock to the "powerful consoles" that repeat games with the same mechanics with just a few new features as content, while those who dare to be original or try to leap into new concepts or innovative perspectives are scorned for not taking the same approach. Why is success so necessary, when you cant even be proud of something that you made? Certainly, being proud of something that you worked hard on is good, but that is not the same as being proud of the creation itself.
Are you happy that you worked on it? Or are you happy with what you made?
That is why I determine success is not the same is happiness.
Because of that I see no desire in working in the industry, and working in terms of societal standards. There is no way I could be happy.
Of course perspectives differ, so I don't hold my thoughts as the teachings of god or anything. But I strongly believe in this.
So what exactly entails happiness?
All of us are slightly corrupted by society, regardless of what you think. Refreshing your stance is good, to revitalize your perspective. But what we think is happiness is different between people, that part is honestly true. So for me, I'll at least say what happiness is to me.
Being able to fully trust and express your feelings without repercussion, and live peacefully and self sustaining without the prejudice of society. That is to spend time with a person to love or just simply spend quality time with, and pass the days without external stress.
What do you think will lead to happiness?
Think about it before you answer, and answer honestly.
For this, I'm starting to write comics again. Not writing truthfully and from my heart is difficult, and I feel like I'm just adhering to standards and layouts already made for me that I unfortunately follow as they're in the back of my mind. This one will be a bit complex, but hopefully I can get my message across. I can no longer follow standard schedules at my current state so please bear with me. As for noCore, I might have to leave it as such, as a "1shot with 2 chapters", so I apologize again.
I'm just a fool who lives the hard way... Trying to do as I please knowing that it probably won't be the best for me.